
Anonima Castelli 1973 – with Superstudio

interior walls are substituted by flexible partitions or modular containers with integrated furniture. SPI is based on board panels assembled with iron connections and completed with framed glasses. The system responds to the new conditions of flexibility of homes, office or teaching spaces and to the frequent changes of destination of any architectural container.

SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO | Cristiano Toraldo di Francia


SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO | Cristiano Toraldo di Francia


SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO | Cristiano Toraldo di Francia


SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO | Cristiano Toraldo di Francia

home spaces – click to enlarge

SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO | Cristiano Toraldo di Francia

home spaces

SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO | Cristiano Toraldo di Francia

home spaces

SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO | Cristiano Toraldo di Francia

office spaces

SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO | Cristiano Toraldo di Francia

Teaching spaces

SISTEMA PARETE INTEGRATO ultima modifica: 1973-06-10T00:28:55+00:00 da cristianotoraldo