Coast2Coast 5- workshop internazionale sulla città costiera – Pesaro DIFO, discoteca del Foglia


Pesaro DIFO
Discoteca del Foglia – Foglia Fun Palace

Next to the Pesaro exit of the A14 Highway at the north border of the River Foglia Park the Administration of the city owns three sheds that have been chosen for the destination of the Fun Palace/Discoteca. The goal of the Administration i sto refrain young people from leaving the city at night to go to north to the towns of Cattolica, riccione or Rimini capitals of what is commonly addressed as the ”Distretto del Piacere”. Along this section of the Adriatic City, life is intensely divided between the day beach landscape as a glorification of the perfect body and beach parties.
Aim of the workshop is to study possibile approaches t ogive to the administration indications on the possibility to extend the function of the disco to a number of different activities that might occupy the building all through the 24 hours. The reference are the New Babylon project of Constant Nieuwenhius, Cdric price Fun Palace or the cross programmino strategy adopted by many architecturer of Tschumy and Koolhas.
A particolar attentino should be addressed to the fact that on one side the building is next to the higway but that at the same time is part of the River Foglia natural park.This condition stretches the workshop from a maximum of artificiality and fast sound and motions to an opposite estreme of natural contemplation of the slow growth and changes of the river landscape.

Thu 15 May
3:30 pm presentazione workshop

FRI 16 May
9.00 am Seminario/Workshop
3.00 pm Seminario/Workshop

SAT 17 may
9.00 am Seminario/Workshop
3.00 pm Final Crits


California State University Pomona L.A.
(Prof. G. Pettina, Prof. M.Brizzi, Prof p. Diaconia
California State University San Luis Obispo
(Prof,.Jonatan Reich)
Università di Camerino Facoltà di Architettura / Ascoli Piceno
(Prof. C. Toraldo di Francia)

Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, Jonatan Reich, Marco Brizzi, Paola Diaconia, Gianni Pettina, Andrea Ponsi

Comitato Scientifico
Cristiano Toraldo di Francia (UNICAM)
Jonathan Reich (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)
Marco Brizzi (arch’it)

Segreteria Scientifica
Claudio Martini, Cristina Antonelli

Claudio Martini, Cristina Antonelli, Sonia Scalvini, Mara pettinari

Paola Caporalini, Massimiliano Campugnani, Tommaso Chiaromonte, Ottavia Corsaro, Vincenzo De Santis, Sara farina, Arianna Iommi, Giuseppe Maiorino, Marco Marozzi, thomas Massè, Stefano ortolani, Alice pasquini, Ilenia Pierantoni, Anna Pollace, Mattia Rebichini, Andrea Renzi, Leonardo Rosselli, Cucile Returier, Michela Schwager, Eder Staffolani, Sara Troboschi, Marta Torrecilla, Clèmentine Vaur, Michaela Baker, Erin Colshan, Kashif Ghani, Corinne McLaughlin, Vuk Pavicevic, Allie Piehn, Roxanna Salceda, Chris Schoeneck, Ian Slover, David Stamatis, Alex Woodhouse.

studenti: Ottavia Corvaro, Arianna Iommi, Ian Slover

09 08 07 10

studenti: Andrea Renzi, Ilenia Pierantoni

03 04 05 06
